Operation Compassion Program

Operation Compassion Program
Bringing Light To A Darkened World


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What's is OPC all about?

I have been asked to state what OPC stands for and our mission. This will be presented in detail once the Dinar RV and funds are flowing.

At present --- OPC stands for Love & Compassion for mankind all over the world. OPC is unique as the internet is being used big time for all our communications.

Our mission is to assist in the distribution of funds to the needy on a family by family basis, with minimal obstructions and minimal cost. We assist in the handshake between those wanting to help and those in need.

Simple mission with much Love & Compassion!

John MacHaffie   HIS humble servant

FACEBOOK & TWITTER Connections - Comments invited

I just signed up for FACEBOOK and curious if you all want OPC to be signed up too.

Then we also have Twitter too!

Comments & Suggestions?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Need Regional Office Links

Need links posted for all our OPC operation centers.

These can be posted here for everyone's reference.

Needing Links

Looking for the links and angels responsible for the following:

1) Inquiries
2) Project Submittal
3) Board Placements Status
4) Donors Information Requests
5) Charlotte, NC Think Tank Meeting
6) Amsterdam Meeting
7) Las Vegas Meeting
8) Payroll
9) Benefits

These shall be the email addresses were inquiries can be sent

How do we start Angels?

What do you want on your OPC Blog?

Submit a suggestion and comment.

Looking for OPC admins and authors.
